Ananthoo's updates

When all trees have been cut down, when all animals have been hunted, when all waters are polluted, when all air is unsafe to breathe, only then will you discover you cannot eat money. - Cree Prophecy

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Iam loving this recession!

Update: Ravi from US came on chat and had loads of good news (hey u really made my day) recycling is catching up, how they don't get to see Hummer these days on road, how lotsa shops give u cloth bags, how the recycle yahoo group of Ann Arbor is a big hit, how wasting has come down for the whole community, etc. That was so heartening that i didn't want you folks to miss that:-)

Yes! Iam loving it…
Its so easy these days- just shoot an easy question ‘so how is the recession affecting you’ ‘any of your friends or family affected’ – just this much is enough to keep the recipient busy for the next 15 mins. It could be the call taxi fella or your old friend or the waiter..
No, its not for this conversational saving grace that Iam happy with the recession. Hey there is such a big relief! The roads, bar, restaurant, temple, just about any where is noticeably low ! Iam serious! The last 2 days am in blore, I see far less traffic than normal and I relate it to the recession.
Finally we cant close a topic here without the environmental angle isn’t? If u ignore the economical impact there is the ecological benefit- people really travel less (fossil fuel saved), buy too less (so less produced and hence energy saved is really high) and discard too less (so less wastes pumped out)..
Hmmm, isn’t that one good outcome of the recession? Am I not being optimistic, after all, as many want us to be in these days?

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