Ananthoo's updates

When all trees have been cut down, when all animals have been hunted, when all waters are polluted, when all air is unsafe to breathe, only then will you discover you cannot eat money. - Cree Prophecy

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

reality check..

ladies and Gmen!
this may be an year old stuff from GNI*(Good news india).. but worth the read..a long one but tells u in depth about how a 'man Vs might' in todays clima can be..
disastrous! but hats off to D.V. Sridharan for taking it up, patiently running behind our shameful system, documenting it and finally educating us all with "dos and donts tips" in the epilogue!
please do click this link and spend time in reading this story..

People like DVS are not only boon but hopes for people like us in these days and age..hats off again and thanks DVS!!

* If u are not a regular to GNI, please make it a point to read that site regularly. Its an amazingly positive place in my op. Each story there is a gem.