The West Bengal tour started with Desi- the cotton story
workshop in kolkata followed by Tula always Kolkata interactions
throws many interesting many questions, ideas and ideals..this
time too it was full of many exchanges around khadi and muslin and
Thanks to MGGSS- arup & rubi combo for a very productive
and useful time..
Then we went to the weavers place in Burdhman about which we have seen we go on to new ones..
next was to many attractions there..
first and foremost is the ToTos- the battery run small autos that take people
and go all over shantiniketan..
its such a quaint place with so much greenery and am told
when rabindranath tagore came in, it was a barren auroville it was
turned in to a sanctuary in a few years with a few individual's brain and
bran..each building is a beauty..RT is demi god here.. people even forget to
breathe when they start talking about him and its all anecdotes every
where..and while u r in the museum, there is so much oof’s and haa’s bcos
people are over awed at seeing his chair or pipe or glasses or stick or some such
thing..oh man, Bengalis and Robindranaath..
Arup our dear friend himself is full of RT stories and so much adoration..
RT himself has tried so much out it the different mud houses or
variety of trees or path ways or gardens or the institute itself..the man used
to live at diff buildings each time and has tried so many things and like
Gandhi has improved up on the construction each time..
what a place shantiniketan its full glory days it wud
have been such a many art and craft, students, books, library, hostel…but
many say its not the same any more..sadly, like most gandhian institutes this
also has gone the mainstream way:-(
Arup is a man with so much knowledge of the terrain and
interior Bengal..each time he takes us anywhere there will be so
will always be in the most interesting of places.. here too he takes us to a
nearby tribal village and a traditional food that one can never stop gaping and tasty traditional food..served in non-plastic neat
ecofriendly cutleries..
and then we are taken to the next village where this Gentleman works on
wood..what a work..see some samples here.. on fantastic old wood..mostly
recycled..and what all he makes..

We are then taken to a beauty of organic of the
first organic farms in this side.. that of BirendraKumar roy! This 4 acre farm
has been organic since 18 years ..Biru da is a great man with a big
history..and such a self reliant man with so many sustainable practices..his
market? at his gate..and gate alone..people
come from all over and buy.. infact most of it is pre booked..even tribals
living here buy from him! he converts most of his squashes,
juices, pickles..and has small machines to aid him..simple mostly non-energy
dependent machines..he hardly goes out of his much diverse
many fruit trees. 22 varieties of mango, roseberry, falsa, wood apple &
more..What a diversity..all vegetables for the house is grown out
there..turmeric too!
cows, the native ones..there is a beautiful farm pond with fishes..surrounded
by so much greenery..its all there, thriving..when am overawed and mention
about the greenery and diversity he mutters ‘its only the macro and micro
climate environment that helps an organic farmer..’
what a man.. the only thing he cant do is travel around, rather go out even..
as they both are busy with one or other activity in the farm..

And his wife is a great lady who was well read has been very much a part of the
whole farm activity..she also works with local weavers near by And gets fabric
from them and embellishes them and creates market for them..thus better some of
the local end to what all one can keep adding if u have the
right intent!
And its dark..and we think its all over.. what more one can
see or get as the day has come to an end..or so we thought..but this man arup
is full of surprises and stuff..and he quietly takes us to an outstanding place
in a near by village for staying..
Jayasree’s farm..oh man..what a lady she is..a typical urbanite till recently
and worked in travel agency who got bored and burnt out – bored of chasing shifts over to this village and starts farming..yes organically and
runs a small beautiful very tastfully done home stay..and food- out of the
world..and u think iam deprived bcos I travel so much..infact I always end up
adding weight bcos of the sweet hospitality in all these organic places and the
amazing persons and the sort of good safe food one is offered..this one rates
so high up..
Right from unbelievable welcome drink to herbal tea to
snacks to meals..
and Jayasrees experiments, explorations in to farming is such a great story..
Her experiments amazes..what all she it the crops or the trees or the diversity she has brought in such a short time..
what all she tries..what all she experiments..what all she accomplishes..
her Lorena stove - 3 base mud stove is a beauty..
she has quails (and ducks too I think) which are housed in a caged shelter
right above her pond..the base of this is a sieve metal sheet meshed thru which
the excreta of the birds fall in to the pond..and in the pond her fish has free
food (from this!)..the pond itself is her rain water storage..
Her house, dogs kennel are all wonderful imaginative structures..
She started building a big gallery and see how she starts of..with some cute
plates before she raises the wooden columns from the ground to save the wodden
structure from the termites which are hungry for anything that they can gobble
She has a small canal that is flowing in her land, wide
enough that doesn’t allow humans o cross when she approached
architects and engineers they told so many ways to build bridge but all around
10lakhs and above..and our lady is not ready for expensive solutions..she doesn’t
have that kind of money anyways..necessity is the mother of inventions, they is the proof.she builds one with her own ideas and a beautiful bridge
stays there serving the purpose so well..

Jayasree narrated me lots of stories from her corporate days
that involved travel..the best was a potato story..(that will be the next
post)..she keeps saying money is asuch a is the source of most
problems..people get lost in to chasing am happy am not doing that!
if u go to West Bengal and shantiniketan side, if u don’t visit her, the loss
is yours..if u believe in one life time, just go there..enjoy, learn and
share..jayasree is such a wonderful soul with so much insights and idea(l)s..